This is the Week 2 offering of the CSA, Community Supported Agriculture, as supplied by Bluebird Farms. From lower right clockwise we have the pea shoots, radishes, tomatoes, spinach, Nevada lettuce, a zucchini and a cucumber for a total of about four pounds.
Mark says:
This is our garden on the north side of the Village. There are twenty-four of these plots and we have two since not all are spoken for. Again from the lower right clockwise are chives, onions and rhubarb along the edges and wax beans in the center of each plot and peas to climb the trellises. We have taken four harvests from the rhubarb patch.
These onions are our contribution to the salad preparations that we are planning.
Sue's sister Ruth visited this past week. She lives in Texas and we took her to Fargo this morning to catch the plane back to her home.
Ruth visited the Village during an open house to look at the apartments. No vacancies now!
We toured the Zoo in Wahepeton. A nice little zoo perfect for our area!